Monday 29 August 2011

What You Should Tell Your House Sitting Expert

Are you thinking of hiring a house sitting professional to care for your home and your dog while you are on vacation?  Hiring someone to care for your home and entrusting them with your keys is certainly a big decision, but for most pet owners, entrusting them with furry family members is an even bigger one.  What do you know about the person you are hiring and more importantly, what do they know about your pet?  Today, we will look at things you need to tell your house sitter but that are often overlooked.

The first thing that you need to do is talk to your house sitting professional about your dog’s medical and feeding history.  Tell him or her everything about your dog’s past, including vaccinations, any sensitivities, any accidents or illnesses, and the like.  Explain if your pet has had any recent symptoms that should be monitored and any dietary restrictions.  Sitters may wish to give your pet treats, so if there are things that your dog or can should or should not have, it is certainly best practice to make this clear in advance.  Many owners forget to mention when a dog is sensitive to certain pet product ingredients, which can create big problems.

Another thing that you will want to do is to provide the house sitting expert with your veterinarian’s contact information.  This means ensuring that you have provided the vet’s name and phone number, as well as the number to any emergency or after hours clinics that you prefer, just in case.  While the likelihood that your pet will need emergency care is low, it is important that your caregiver is able to take the pet to a family veterinarian whenever possible, as they will be familiar with your pet’s health history.

The bottom line is that informing a house sitter about your pet is as important as looking into their background and checking out their references.  Let your house sitting expert know where your pets love to sleep, what time they prefer to walk, and what activities they consider the most fun.  While you are on your vacation, you don’t want your pet to just feel bored and stuck at home.  Giving your sitter all of the right information can help make your time away as safe, comfortable and fun for your pet as possible and will help to keep them from getting too anxious during your absence.

We service the Gold coast through to Redland bay/Victoria point
In home house sitting, pet minding, and dog walking. An alternative to pet boarding or kennels

Sunday 28 August 2011

Why exercise is so important to your pet

When you think of exercise, you likely think of all of the things that your doctor tells you about your own health or that you hear on television and read in magazines.  Exercise is critical to your overall heart health, but it is also very important for mental health, as it helps eliminate stress hormones and helps increase serotonin release that keeps you feeling happy and combats depression.  But did you know that exercise is just as important for the physical and mental well being of your pets?

Dogs and cats and even small pets require physical and mental stimulation.  When you look into a bird or hamster cage and see mirrors, wheels, and the like, these toys are for much more than allowing owners to laugh while the animals play with them, they provide a great deal of mental and physical stimulation as well.  For cats, something as simple as a toy mouse, some feathers on a string, or a ball that can be rolled around and chased can be quite stimulating for both physical and mental exercise.  Dogs have a tendency to need greater stimulation, but the bottom line is that exercise is critical.

Exercising your pet has many benefits.  Much like in humans, it serves to help boost mental and physical health, improving the heart and mood and helping to get rid of separation anxiety.  Play with owners, dog walkers, and other animals can all offer great benefit to your pet, and the exercise can help keep pets from misbehaving out of boredom and separation anxiety.  All animals need exercise in order to achieve true health, and providing the means for your pets to do this is your responsibility as an owner.

Did you know that many dogs need more than just a simple walk?  While walking is great physical exercise, you will find that games like fetch or toys that require your dog to use his or her mind to retrieve a treat from inside a toy can provide much-needed mental stimulation.  Boredom and pent up energy can greatly affect your pet’s behaviour, and inactivity can have long term health repercussions for your pet.  Take the time to consider a dog walking service or a pet sitter if you are away for long hours each day and look into unique toys that you and your pet can enjoy together as well as those that he or she may enjoy alone.  With the right mental and physical exercise, you can have a pet that is truly healthy in all ways.

Saturday 6 August 2011

Why a house sitter is so important

For my business personally I would say that my overnight stays would be the most popular. This is when a sitter stays the night at your home to take care of your pets and your house, they usually arrive around 4.30-5pm and leave approximately 7.30-8pm. People choose this option for many reasons eg making sure there pets are looked after, fed, walked but also it is an excellent way to keep your home safe. Having somebody living in your home while you are away is a major deturant for unsavoury types!
  • Your sitter will
  • Clear all your mail daily
  • Always lock and close all windows and doors when leaving the property
  • Have the contact details or a trusted friend/family member of the owner and leave them a set of keys incase you get locked out
  • Have contact details of plumber/electrician incase of an emergency
  • Your sitter when take out your rubbish bins and then return them
  • Not sure your information with ANYONE
  • Park their car in your driveway
With the crime level that seems to be increasing here in QLD you may want to consider a house sitter/minder in your home when your away. Christmas time can be very high for burglary because people are away and their home's are unattended. offers overnight sitting for short periods but also house sitting for longer periods both include dog walking.
Feel free to call us today for a free consultation.
An alternative to using kennels or pet boarding

Thursday 4 August 2011

Why choose a pet sitter

When it comes to convenience having a pet sitter come into your home and take care of your pets is far less stress on yourself   and  less stress on your pets than putting them into a pet boarding facility such as a cattery/dog kennel. I have heard a lot of horror stories from people that have taken their beloved Fido into a kennel only to have him return with dirty hair/has lost weight and is looking distressed.

Not only do sitters charge around the same amount as a boarding facility with boarding most kennels /cattery make you show proof that your dog is be at least 18 weeks old and have current vaccination certificates including C5 and Canine Cough. Dogs must be flea and tick treated with Frontline prior to the commencement of their stay and most cats entering a cattery must be fully immunized and have their annual booster current.

With pet sitters your pets get to stay in the comfort of their home and you get peace of mind know they are safe and your home is being taken care of whilst you are away. It comes down to "how can you trust the sitter coming into your home?
All our staff at come with a police clearance certificate and hold public liability insurance. All our clients will receive a free in home consultation so you will get the chance to know your sitter. We also offer SMS/phone/email updates on your pets while you away.

I have started this business because I love animals. This business is to ensure that your pets get the best care and attention while you are away to give you peace of mind.

We service the Gold coast right through to Victoria point/Cleveland.

In home pet sitting, dog walking and house  minding

Call us for your free in home consultation.

Another Day in Paradise

Here we are with another wonderful day in paradise how lucky are we to live in QLD. I started my day with a run along the beach in Surfers paradise. I love starting the day with a run and it makes my day even better when I receive lots of happy smiles from people as you pass each other on the beach along with all the happy dogs who are getting their morning run.

As much as people need there daily exercise to set your mind right for a good day or to work off those excess calories. Dogs need there exercise too, it is so vitally important that they are able to get out and stretch their legs for the day or even twice a day. I know for myself sitting inside all day on a computer drives me insane and I need outdoor exercise for my sanity, well that 's how your 4 legged friends feel as well.  So make it a team effort between you and fido in the morning and you can both start your work day with a clear head, a happy heart and an exercised body.