Saturday 6 August 2011

Why a house sitter is so important

For my business personally I would say that my overnight stays would be the most popular. This is when a sitter stays the night at your home to take care of your pets and your house, they usually arrive around 4.30-5pm and leave approximately 7.30-8pm. People choose this option for many reasons eg making sure there pets are looked after, fed, walked but also it is an excellent way to keep your home safe. Having somebody living in your home while you are away is a major deturant for unsavoury types!
  • Your sitter will
  • Clear all your mail daily
  • Always lock and close all windows and doors when leaving the property
  • Have the contact details or a trusted friend/family member of the owner and leave them a set of keys incase you get locked out
  • Have contact details of plumber/electrician incase of an emergency
  • Your sitter when take out your rubbish bins and then return them
  • Not sure your information with ANYONE
  • Park their car in your driveway
With the crime level that seems to be increasing here in QLD you may want to consider a house sitter/minder in your home when your away. Christmas time can be very high for burglary because people are away and their home's are unattended. offers overnight sitting for short periods but also house sitting for longer periods both include dog walking.
Feel free to call us today for a free consultation.
An alternative to using kennels or pet boarding

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