Tuesday 4 October 2011

Another GORGEOUS day

Another gorgeous day on the Gold coast. I love working from home, some more whale watching from our verandah is ont he cards.



Wow I LOVE posterous.com social media has never been so easy


pet sitting

Book in fast our sitters are quickly becoming unavaliable for overnight stays during the xmas break



Friday 30 September 2011

Choosing An Ideal Dog Walker

Whenever we hear of a dog walker what instantly arrives at our mind is a person holding a tether or two in the sidewalk. For some people dog walking is just a past time and for several it is a means of living. Some people don’t carry the responsibility seriously but if you adore most dogs and loves to exercise and discovering, this can be the perfect career for you.

To become a dog walker isn't a very easy task specially when you’re not much of a dog enthusiast. A dog walker must be grateful for the best of life of folks living with pets since it’s certainly not just a picnic. Dogs are the most common pets and probably number 1 among the favorites. It’s not new at all to us that there are many different breeds of pet dogs, each with different personality. So if you're the dog owner then walking him around the neighborhood wouldn’t be so hard. It is just like a bit of bonding moment with your best friend. The dog’s disposition must be one to take into account too besides setting a real kick during the week and a time period each day which fits most to the owner’s timetable concerning of when to walk your dog outside for one little exploring.

There are plenty of explanations why pets or dogs per say, have to be out for a walk from time to time. It is healthy for dogs to take the hike out once weekly or whenever time permits. But not all pet owners have the liberty of time to walk their dogs. .

The job they do is often a complex one every day so that’s why they must be pre-loaded with the skills to handle all sorts of dogs, big or small. Experience will invariably be the perfect teacher so these people should never only learn but will also needs to be available in a significant amount of time in order for them to be trustworthy with the job. It is safe to say that your good dog walker should not only be an experienced considering the way dogs behave, they should also be aware of fundamental in first aid and can be truly be considered a dog friend meaning they need to speak the language of the dog, not in the sense that they bark too however the fact that they understand the dog’s needs during the time they want it.

For several owners, they can’t easily trust some others to do the job on their behalf since their pets are considered family. So it is advisable to be diligent first about the person who'll be taking care of your dog. Besides checking the skills and also the qualifications, doing a little background check and the rest, additionally it is important that this person click on with your dog. The dog owner must ensure that her or his dog gets along with the dog walker as they are showed. It's ridiculous to think that an introduction is needed but an impression always matter the very first time. So just do it, have the perfect dog walker for you.

An alternative to pet boarding aka kennels. We service the Gold coast through to Redland bay. In home pet sitting, dog walking and house minding.

Thursday 22 September 2011

Dog Walking Can Keep Your Pet Healthier and Better Behaved

Do you have a dog that barks incessantly, chews at your furniture or other items, or simply goes crazy and tears through the house for what seems like no good reason?  These are some of the most common reasons why pet owners enrol their dogs in behaviour training, yet the truth of the matter is that these habits often have a much simpler solution.  While we may not think about it often, dogs actually have a strong need for mental and physical stimulation.  Believe it or not, regular dog walking can be all you need to help curb these behaviours for good while also making your pet healthier and happier.

When you hire a dog walking expert, you can actually tailor services to the needs of you and your pet.  If you regularly walk your dog, you may find that you only need to hire someone to keep your pet active and exercised while you are on vacation.  For many pet owners, having someone come in during the work day and just take the dog for a great walk can help keep things calm and can keep a dog from destroying the house while the owner is away.

The simple fact is that a dog should be walked at least once daily, with many high energy breeds requiring longer walks or more frequent walks.  Walking does more than just burn off energy and provide exercise, it actually offers great mental stimulation.  Processing all of the visuals and smells encountered during a great walk helps to exercise your pet’s brain as much as its body, and the effects can have a surprising impact on your dog’s mental health and sense of well being.  We all want only the best for our pets, and dog walking is really one of the best things you can do outside of proper veterinary care and quality feeding.

Dog walking can offer a significant boost to longevity by helping to keep the heart and muscles active and well exercised, but it does more than this.  In addition to helping add years to your dog’s life, you will find that frequent walks help put more life in your dog’s years.  A well exercised dog will remain active and playful much longer than a pet that leads a more sedentary lifestyle.  If you are unable to provide daily walks or need someone to help keep your dog active while you are at work or on vacation, a dog walking service can be a great option!

Welovepetsitting is an in home pet sitting, dog walking and house minding business. We service the Gold coast through to Redland bay.


Wednesday 14 September 2011

Why you should use a pet sitter

When you are away, what do you think your pets are doing?  For many owners, once the house is out of sight, it can be largely out of mind as well.  We take all of the right steps to ensure that our pets have the right amount of food and water while we are away, but the truth of the matter is that dogs and cats also need play and mental stimulation.  It is actually an essential part of their health, especially for many dog breeds.  That is why pet sitting is such a valuable service.

When you choose a quality pet sitting service, you will find that there can be many benefits.  Whether you are away just during the work day or for a leisurely vacation, you will find that a pet sitter can help ensure that your pets are relaxed and happy.  Periods where the owner is away from home can actually be very stressful for pets.  Separation anxiety is the biggest reason why dogs chew on furniture and household items and have accidents in the home, but having someone come in every day to offer affection and cuddles can help alleviate this anxiety.  Storms and inclement weather can also create stress for your animals, and having someone stop by to check on them is highly recommended.

Of course, there are other benefits to a great pet sitting service as well.  You will find that pet sitters can help you ensure that things are in great shape when you get home by simply watering your plants and picking up the little things that your pets knock over.  A great pet sitter will even be able to bring in your mail if needed so that nobody has to know that you are away.

Of course, these are simply side benefits to hiring a top quality pet sitting service. The bottom line is that you owe it to your pets to ensure that they are happy and well cared for whenever you are away.  Taking the time to select a great sitter who will come in and spend time with your animals and share affection and attention rather than just feeding them is critical.  Not only will it help alleviate stress for your pets, but it will give you much greater peace of mind while you are away.  Your pets deserve the best possible care, and a great sitter can ensure that they always receive it.

We service the Gold coast through to Redland bay/Victoria point
In home pet sitting, dog walking and house minding


Thursday 8 September 2011

Choosing a Coastside Dog Walker

Few things are as important to the overall health of your dog as exercise.  Believe it or not, most dogs require at least half an hour or more of quality exercise every single day in order to maintain optimal physical and mental health.  This means more than just a quick stroll around the block or a walk to take them out to relieve themselves.  Dogs need to run, play, and to engage in play or games that present a physical and mental challenge.  This not only helps to keep the mind strong, but it releases energy and anxiety, preventing stress and aggression and increasing overall physical health as well.

Whether you have a small breed, such as a Chihuahua, which will require simply a long walk or other form of exercise, or a larger breed that requires as much mental stimulation during play as physical, ensuring that your dogs receive the right activity levels every day is critical.  Unfortunately, for many of us trying to work as much as possible to pay off everything and trying to balance family lives as well, keeping up with the needs of a high energy dog can be difficult.  This is where a top quality Coastside dog sitter can come in handy.

A great dog sitter can easily provide your pets with all of the play and exercise they need each day to remain healthy, happy, and strong.  Our pets deserve the very best that we can provide for them, and a professional dog walker will be able to understand what type of exercise is best for your breed according to age, medical history, energy level, and the breed itself.  When your dog is getting the right level of play and the right type of exercise, there are many benefits that can be seen.

If your dog has been chewing household items or showing irritability with people or other pets, you may well find that a lack of proper exercise is to blame.  Separation anxiety and even general misbehaviour in pets is often attributed to a lack of mental and physical stimulation that can burn off excess energy.  There is no such thing as a bad dog, and you will likely find that choosing a Coastside dog walker who can provide the best exercise for your breed and your pets will be the best way to improve overall health and behaviour.  Dogs are absolutely wonderful companions, and giving them the exercise they so desperately need is simply a great way to show them how much you care.

In home pet sitting, dog walking, house minding. We service the Gold coast through to Redland bay/Victoria point

Sunday 4 September 2011

Pet sitting vs Pet boarding

If you are planning to go on holiday and are looking to ensure that your pets are well cared for, you will find that you have a few different options available to you.  The two main options that pet owners consider, however, are pet boarding services and pet sitting services.  Which one is really the better option, however?  There are certainly benefits to each, which can make it hard to know which choice is going to be right for your pet.  Here, we will take a look at both.

Pet Boarding

With pet boarding, your dog will spend your vacation time in a kennel with a number of other pets.  This can certainly seem like a great idea, especially if your dog is quite sociable.  Pet boarding is often very expensive, however, and the risks of illness are much greater when your dog is exposed to a number of other animals.  For dogs in boarding kennels, this also means spending a great deal of time in unfamiliar surroundings and being forced to spend the night in a small kennel.  While dogs staying at boarding services often get ample exercise during the day, they are often left alone overnight.  There is also the risk of injuries and fights from being in a large shared space with numerous other dogs.

Pet Sitting

Pet sitting is a bit different.  With this service, your pet will get to remain in his or her own home.  While this means that there will not be a number of other dogs to play with, save for your other pets, it also means a lower risk of injury or illness.  It is important to remember that dogs are pack animals and that a kennel can quickly become a competition to see which dog will be the alpha.  Dogs who are cared for at home tend to be calmer and more relaxed, and a quality pet sitting expert will be able to provide great walks, maintain the same play and feeding schedule, and even stay overnight if needed to calm separation anxiety.

The Bottom Line

The simple fact is that whether your dog is better off in a pet boarding or pet sitting environment is ultimately your choice, but there are many reasons why you may wish to consider a pet sitting service.  Allowing your pet to stay in his or her own home with the same toys, treats, bed, and scents can be much more relaxing.  In the long run, it is more than likely the best option for your pets physical and emotional well being.

http://www.welovepetsitting.com.au services the Gold coast through to Victoria point/Redland bay. In house dog walking, pet sitting, and pet minding.

Monday 29 August 2011

What You Should Tell Your House Sitting Expert

Are you thinking of hiring a house sitting professional to care for your home and your dog while you are on vacation?  Hiring someone to care for your home and entrusting them with your keys is certainly a big decision, but for most pet owners, entrusting them with furry family members is an even bigger one.  What do you know about the person you are hiring and more importantly, what do they know about your pet?  Today, we will look at things you need to tell your house sitter but that are often overlooked.

The first thing that you need to do is talk to your house sitting professional about your dog’s medical and feeding history.  Tell him or her everything about your dog’s past, including vaccinations, any sensitivities, any accidents or illnesses, and the like.  Explain if your pet has had any recent symptoms that should be monitored and any dietary restrictions.  Sitters may wish to give your pet treats, so if there are things that your dog or can should or should not have, it is certainly best practice to make this clear in advance.  Many owners forget to mention when a dog is sensitive to certain pet product ingredients, which can create big problems.

Another thing that you will want to do is to provide the house sitting expert with your veterinarian’s contact information.  This means ensuring that you have provided the vet’s name and phone number, as well as the number to any emergency or after hours clinics that you prefer, just in case.  While the likelihood that your pet will need emergency care is low, it is important that your caregiver is able to take the pet to a family veterinarian whenever possible, as they will be familiar with your pet’s health history.

The bottom line is that informing a house sitter about your pet is as important as looking into their background and checking out their references.  Let your house sitting expert know where your pets love to sleep, what time they prefer to walk, and what activities they consider the most fun.  While you are on your vacation, you don’t want your pet to just feel bored and stuck at home.  Giving your sitter all of the right information can help make your time away as safe, comfortable and fun for your pet as possible and will help to keep them from getting too anxious during your absence.


We service the Gold coast through to Redland bay/Victoria point
In home house sitting, pet minding, and dog walking. An alternative to pet boarding or kennels

Sunday 28 August 2011

Why exercise is so important to your pet

When you think of exercise, you likely think of all of the things that your doctor tells you about your own health or that you hear on television and read in magazines.  Exercise is critical to your overall heart health, but it is also very important for mental health, as it helps eliminate stress hormones and helps increase serotonin release that keeps you feeling happy and combats depression.  But did you know that exercise is just as important for the physical and mental well being of your pets?

Dogs and cats and even small pets require physical and mental stimulation.  When you look into a bird or hamster cage and see mirrors, wheels, and the like, these toys are for much more than allowing owners to laugh while the animals play with them, they provide a great deal of mental and physical stimulation as well.  For cats, something as simple as a toy mouse, some feathers on a string, or a ball that can be rolled around and chased can be quite stimulating for both physical and mental exercise.  Dogs have a tendency to need greater stimulation, but the bottom line is that exercise is critical.

Exercising your pet has many benefits.  Much like in humans, it serves to help boost mental and physical health, improving the heart and mood and helping to get rid of separation anxiety.  Play with owners, dog walkers, and other animals can all offer great benefit to your pet, and the exercise can help keep pets from misbehaving out of boredom and separation anxiety.  All animals need exercise in order to achieve true health, and providing the means for your pets to do this is your responsibility as an owner.

Did you know that many dogs need more than just a simple walk?  While walking is great physical exercise, you will find that games like fetch or toys that require your dog to use his or her mind to retrieve a treat from inside a toy can provide much-needed mental stimulation.  Boredom and pent up energy can greatly affect your pet’s behaviour, and inactivity can have long term health repercussions for your pet.  Take the time to consider a dog walking service or a pet sitter if you are away for long hours each day and look into unique toys that you and your pet can enjoy together as well as those that he or she may enjoy alone.  With the right mental and physical exercise, you can have a pet that is truly healthy in all ways.

Saturday 6 August 2011

Why a house sitter is so important

For my business personally I would say that my overnight stays would be the most popular. This is when a sitter stays the night at your home to take care of your pets and your house, they usually arrive around 4.30-5pm and leave approximately 7.30-8pm. People choose this option for many reasons eg making sure there pets are looked after, fed, walked but also it is an excellent way to keep your home safe. Having somebody living in your home while you are away is a major deturant for unsavoury types!
  • Your sitter will
  • Clear all your mail daily
  • Always lock and close all windows and doors when leaving the property
  • Have the contact details or a trusted friend/family member of the owner and leave them a set of keys incase you get locked out
  • Have contact details of plumber/electrician incase of an emergency
  • Your sitter when take out your rubbish bins and then return them
  • Not sure your information with ANYONE
  • Park their car in your driveway
With the crime level that seems to be increasing here in QLD you may want to consider a house sitter/minder in your home when your away. Christmas time can be very high for burglary because people are away and their home's are unattended.
http://www.Welovepetsitting.com.au offers overnight sitting for short periods but also house sitting for longer periods both include dog walking.
Feel free to call us today for a free consultation.
An alternative to using kennels or pet boarding

Thursday 4 August 2011

Why choose a pet sitter

When it comes to convenience having a pet sitter come into your home and take care of your pets is far less stress on yourself   and  less stress on your pets than putting them into a pet boarding facility such as a cattery/dog kennel. I have heard a lot of horror stories from people that have taken their beloved Fido into a kennel only to have him return with dirty hair/has lost weight and is looking distressed.

Not only do sitters charge around the same amount as a boarding facility with boarding most kennels /cattery make you show proof that your dog is be at least 18 weeks old and have current vaccination certificates including C5 and Canine Cough. Dogs must be flea and tick treated with Frontline prior to the commencement of their stay and most cats entering a cattery must be fully immunized and have their annual booster current.

With pet sitters your pets get to stay in the comfort of their home and you get peace of mind know they are safe and your home is being taken care of whilst you are away. It comes down to "how can you trust the sitter coming into your home?
All our staff at www.welovepetsitting.com.au come with a police clearance certificate and hold public liability insurance. All our clients will receive a free in home consultation so you will get the chance to know your sitter. We also offer SMS/phone/email updates on your pets while you away.

I have started this business because I love animals. This business is to ensure that your pets get the best care and attention while you are away to give you peace of mind.

We service the Gold coast right through to Victoria point/Cleveland.

In home pet sitting, dog walking and house  minding


Call us for your free in home consultation.

Another Day in Paradise

Here we are with another wonderful day in paradise how lucky are we to live in QLD. I started my day with a run along the beach in Surfers paradise. I love starting the day with a run and it makes my day even better when I receive lots of happy smiles from people as you pass each other on the beach along with all the happy dogs who are getting their morning run.

As much as people need there daily exercise to set your mind right for a good day or to work off those excess calories. Dogs need there exercise too, it is so vitally important that they are able to get out and stretch their legs for the day or even twice a day. I know for myself sitting inside all day on a computer drives me insane and I need outdoor exercise for my sanity, well that 's how your 4 legged friends feel as well.  So make it a team effort between you and fido in the morning and you can both start your work day with a clear head, a happy heart and an exercised body.

Monday 25 July 2011

Why I HEART Dog walking

Not to sound like a show off, but I have to say I have to be one of the luckiest gals on the Gold coast! and you know why....cause I get paid to look after animals. Besides our family and friends which stand on 2 human legs, pets have to come at second best as giving me the most pleasure. The beautiful innocence they carry and the unconditional love they give pets truly give me so happiness.

For some of the day I am behind my computer at home there's nothing that gives me more pleasure than driving out to take a dog walk, and this isn't just any dog walk this is a 4 legged friend who becomes so excited when he hears that house bell ring he begins to bark and howl as he to is just as relieved and excited to be getting some exercise. Understandably for allot of people you work extremely long hours and have families to look after finishing work, so it's not always possible to walk your pets.

Myself and my team at "We Love Pet Sitting" have a deep love for animals we have all grown up with them and all have a strong respect for them.

We service the Gold coast through to Redland bay/Victoria point. In home pet sitting, dog walking and house minding

Monday 11 July 2011

House sitter or House minder, why they benefit us

When we contemplate going on holiday one of the factors that can detour us can be "who is going to look after our pets" and "who can look over our house". Many of us have good friends we can call on or even neighbours, though myself being a house sitter/minder I have heard of some horror stories of when people leave their homes in the hands of relatives/friends and have returned only to find their pets looking stressed and unkempt and their homes in a worse condition than when they left. 

When having a professional House minder look after your home they can provide you with references a police clearance certificate and most will have public liability insurance. They are professionals and most are a affiliated with an agency of some sort. 

When living in your property they walk your dogs, and take care of your pets, water your plants and generally take care of your house like a home. Handing you back the keys to the property in the same condition as you left it. 

We service the Gold coast through to Redland bay
In home pet sitting, dog walking and house minding
